Meet our CEO: David Green

In 2013, David founded Remedium with the single vision of reducing excessive NHS agency locum spend. He spotted a gap in the market for a medical recruitment business that focussed exclusively on permanent doctors.

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Remedium Solutions: Recruitment Process Outsourcing

At Remedium, we understand that each trust experiences different recruitment challenges. These include but are not limited to reducing time to hire, locum expenditure, attracting the right candidates, as well as improving employee retention.

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COVID-19 has highlighted resilience of NHS Radiology, but also exposed fragility

According to RCR, the clinical radiology workforce shortfall will be 44% by 2025. Ian Legg, Radiology Recruitment Specialist at Remedium, explores the impact of this prediction and how we can tackle the problem.

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Don’t use locum doctors for routine services

There will always be a need for locum doctors. However, many in the NHS are unnecessarily being used for routine services. This is costly and damaging to patient care.

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Workforce planning is key to post-Covid NHS doctor retention

In April 2021 the BMA reported many doctors were considering leaving the NHS. For NHS Trusts, workforce planning is vital to prevent high doctor turnover post-pandemic.

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The Mental Health Crisis on the NHS Covid-19 frontline

NHS frontline staff face an unprecedented mental health crisis in the wake of Covid-19. Remedium look at the impact of this on our doctors and how we can help to Heal our Healers.

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The UK Healthcare System Opens its Doors to a New Pool of Candidates

The GMC’s decision to add both USMLE and MRCPI to the list of acceptable qualifications has widened the international market from where the NHS can recruit from.

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Recruiter Blog: MRCEM delays lead to Emergency Medicine staff shortages

MRCEM OSCE exams are on hold due to COVID-19. So, Remedium are looking at alternative routes to assist with A&E Middle Grade recruitment.

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Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Why insisting on UK experience exacerbates the workforce crisis

Our clients often ask for junior and middle-grade doctors with UK experience. Remedium CEO, David Green, explains why this compounds the healthcare staffing crisis.

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Fighting the Never-Ending Symptoms of the Healthcare Staffing Crisis

How can a directed approach be used to combat the emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that frontline medical staff are suffering from? How can we revive a workforce of such high importance?

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Remedium welcomes BMA consultant workforce shortage report

Remedium welcomes solutions put forward in the recent BMA report on consultant shortages, but also advocates for a ‘recruitment first’ response to the healthcare staffing crisis.

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