Today, 8th March 2021, is International Women’s Day. We are taking this opportunity to celebrate the tremendous efforts of our female doctors around the world who stand as exemplary leaders in driving quality patient care.
Dr. Chodavarapu and Dr. Carpar, two doctors that moved to the UK with Remedium to work for the NHS, reveal what being a woman means to them.
Dr. Chodavarapu
I had my struggles in the initial days, I believe just like any other woman might have had, of surviving in this male-dominated world. Even though nothing is outwardly evident, the undercurrents of it are still felt, especially in my culture, where I come from. But thanks be to God, Jesus Christ Whom I believe in, Who has strengthened me to rise above every adversity with victory!
I have gone through it all, have given my best in all my capacity to give as a woman, as a daughter, as a sister, as a wife, as a friend and as a mother and will continue to do so. Though not appreciated by most, and not even acknowledged by some, and not reciprocated by many, I am left with the joy of contentment of having done my best with no expectation of reward. I value with utmost sincerity the ones that did reciprocate, and honoured the bond well so far, especially my dear son, who makes it worthwhile facing all the struggles and adds meaning to my identity as a woman.
I absolutely rejoice in my abilities as a female doctor, being able to serve with a sensitive touch of empathy and compassion, and the understanding that is inherent to being a woman. I give the whole credit to Jesus alone, who has empowered me, blessed me and kept me through all the ups and downs in life, leading me to this very moment in existence.
I thank God for all my accomplishments in life, the greatest one being my son, for the God fearing, kind and caring person that he is. And the next in order, my achievements as a doctor, which enable me to serve in a critical environment, which is in a way, a dream come true.
I quote one of my favourite verses in the Bible, in Psalms 139:14, which says: I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvellous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth very well. I find this the very reason to celebrate my life each day, as a woman.
I have come a long distance and aspire to go a long way ahead in all I have to offer as a woman. And I thank and wish the very best for all my fellow female comrades as we win the battles we face together!!
Happy International Women’s day to one and all, as I’m convinced that everyone, female or not, has a reason to celebrate your own feminine side and the women in your lives.
Dr. Carpar
My biggest achievement.
Following my dream to settle down, have a new life in the UK.
Thanks to the women in my life helping me achieve this, Aiesha Park & Bethany Bradley.
Changing the world starts from changing yourself (I just made this up but I believe in the power of being able to change).
First rule of living evolution is adaptation.
Dr. Saiyara
My family empowers me, they have always appreciated the sacrifices I had to make my professional ambitions true.
My biggest achievement is being able to maintain a successful caeer and happy family life what a lot of people believe isn’t possible.
My favourite quote:
“Those who say it cannot be done, should not interrupt those doing it”
Dr. Majji
I think my biggest achievement has been my contribution to changing the way the world perceive women. I strived hard to dream big, fought my way through and never let self-doubt shroud my confidence.
Let not flaws, limitations and failure determine your future my girl for it is grit and perseverance that defines who you truly are.
My favourite quote:
“When you empower a woman, you empower an entire generation.” This is particularly interesting because a great queen fosters great men too.”
Dr. Alom
My favourite quote:
“There’s something so special about a women who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no as an answer.”
Dr. Haris
A quote which I believe so much is ‘behind every successful woman there is a tribe of successful women who have her back’ … to all of u strong women out there . May we know them, may we be them and may we raise them.
Dr. Usman
My favourite quote:
“Follow your dreams and ambitions and work hard.”
If you’re inspired by these strong female doctors and are interested in following their path by moving to the UK to work for the NHS, please register your details with Remedium today.